CP-Prepack screens™ are made of two layers (inner & outer) of wire wrapped screen filled with sands/ceramic in the annuals.
It provides excellent sand control in oil and gas applications. The oil flow from the outer layer through sand and inner screen. It is one of the most robust and strongest sand control screen product in the world.
Rigid quality control standards ensure the highest quality, maximum screen strength, superior sand retention, and erosion resistance. The screen assemblies are usually either 28 ft of screen on 30 ft of base pipe, or 19 ft of screen on 20 ft of base pipe. Other configurations are available on request.
Main Applications
Openhole stand alone screen completions
Openhole & cased hole gravel pack completions
Longeve in harsh production environments
Extremely damage resistant
Durable, excellent sand retention
Easy handling and fast installation

Provides a measure of protection against erosion forces and voids during sand placement procedures
Welding process and rigorous quality control for greater strength
Availability of ceramic or resin-coated gravel
Keystone-shaped wire wrap that allows self-cleaning action for greater flow and less chance of clogging
Welding at each point of contact with the rod wire to prevent separation when pulled or bird-nesting when milled
Full customization to meet any well application

Manufacturing & Quality
The manufacturing of prepack includes a special process of assembling inner and outer wire wrap screens with special sand layer packed tightly between the screen layers. It undergoes rigorous quality assurance and control practices including a detailed Quality Control Plan, full material and operator traceability and inspection throughout the process, including optical slot inspection for wire wrap screens. All information is correlated into a Quality Dossier delivered with the product.
The profile wires are key to ensuring slot accuracy: our profile wires are manufactured using stringent processes to ensure metallurgical integrity in grain size, control of hardness and cleanliness providing high tolerance on the size of the profile wire. 100% continuous laser micrometer measurement of profile wire. Prevention of SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking) thru annealing process.
The cleanliness of the wire helps ensure consistent weld ability.
Optical slot inspection is done using a calibrated vision measurement system with a resolution of 5μm, slot measurements can be made to comply with ISO17824, API 19SS Q1, client specific QCP requiring 100% slot measurement in a single plane or greater. Statistical Process Control is used to define the screen slot and supplied with the Quality Dossier.